- 01/03/25 17:51: finished the writing for the feb 25 mixtape thing!! might work on css this evening if i have time
- 01/03/25 (01:00 - 03:00?ish): made another site button which is just a png!! started working on changing navbar, added mixtapes folder + started writing feb 25
- 28/02/25 00:56: just a couple of link changes + slight change to about me + reading blog entry!! thats a thing i do i read books!! sometimes
- 24/02/25 12:18: finally made the index page look good!!! having ideas also
- 19/02/25 23:56: minblogggg
- 15/02/25 00:35: just a miniblog :3 would do more but im vaguely sleepy and also need to sleep (the two are not the same)
- 03/02/25 22:12: updated about me + miniblog update + updated credits
- 02/02/25 15:30: miniblog entry + changed songs on about me (there was also updates yesterday but i forgot to log em)
- 30/01/25 22:30: added more songs to the js thing on the about me page, miniblog + reading blog entry, made messy music shrine homepage, added stamps to home page, updated credits,, probably other things but thats all i can remember from today
- 28/01/25 22:03: lost track of everything i've been doing,, ive added some js to the about me page rather than the lyrics!! and i think other things too
- 26/01/25 23:48: have added a music shrine thing!! and experimenting with javascript elements, its all very unfinished though
- 13/01/25 22:49: added another lyric, thinking i want to make a page specifically for lyrics cause there's a lot of them and they're kind of cramped just on my about me page
- 12/01/25 13:28: added to resource page!! need to tidy up formatting, and also generally im thinking this site could benefit from different css since its so many Words everywhere, but i don't know how i'd go about that and also do not have the time
- 07/01/25 18:29: added internet radios to resources page (this was last night really but im gonna do more tonight if possible
- 04/01/25 17:29: linked more sites + vaguely making plans for more things
- 29/12/24 18:34: ohh i forgot i had this whoops, there's been quite a lot recently! added a whole blog section including a miniblog thats the main thing that comes to mind
- 18/11/24 20:57: site is vaguely more mobile friendly now!!!
- 17/11/24 20:48: added sitemap although it's very messy i'll probably change it to be more organised fairly soon
- 17/11/24 18:50: added resources page even though its only got like 3 things on it, + done some other things! thinking i might revive the german life blog cause i want to german again
- 02/11/24 23:06: going through and adding sleepycat as favicon, although im thinking maaybe the site "mascot" or whatever should be not them? but also they're perfect
- 01/11/24 10:43: NEVERMIND i didn't close the div element its fine actually
- 01/11/24 09:45: somethings definitely wrong with the css but im not sure how to fix it :((
- 31/10/24: forgot i had this to have updaattes but the website is like, enjoyable now i think!! still got lots to work on but yeah its going good :D
- 25/09/24 22:40: bleeghh i want to do EVERYTHINg for the site now but i cant,, have done vague background design but its not quite right, i dont know what i actually want from it yet :( also need to learn better css. ughghg hh the actual update here though is just that im doing things i guess!!
- [then i forgot to track anything for like a month,,,]
- 25/08/24: made site !!