this is just a little space for me to "yap" about books i've been reading, cause i need to do a lot of reading for lit lmao. date format is dd/mm/yy
28/02/25: finally finished emma the other day!! honestly its definitely grown on me as it goes on, its a fun novel. in a very different tone i read ursula k. le guin's the ones who walk away from omelas last night and it was very interesting, i mean i knew what it was beforehand but still the way it's written is very good. (pssst if you're interested i read it from this pdf. and also emma is available here and is compatible with tranquility reader which i found very helpful :P ) i've ended up buying quite a few books recently so i have a whole bunch to read!! its just a matter of, reading them,,,
30/01/25: oh dear it has been a long time since i updated this,, i've been reading a bit though!! mostly just emma for college still, but i've also started the very short introduction series' book for philosophy because i wanted to read and it was the only thing i felt like :P i read the first like 20 pages or so of the third one of before the coffee gets cold (before your memory fades) which seems good, i've liked the other two books of the series so there's no reason why i wouldn't like it!! i was just sleepy at the time when i was trying to read
24/12/24: FINALLy read some more of the posthumous memoirs of brás cubas (forgot to mention it here whoops my bad) yesterday and its good!! i've never read anything quite like it honestly. i might read more this evening but right now i want to make a blog so i am, going to do that :3
07/12/24: blegh ive been so busy and barely done any reading recentlyyy :( i am reading emma atm for college and its, not too bad to be honest! i was sorta dreading it cause i'm not big on jane austen's writing style but honestly it seems like a fairly enjoyable silly time so thats good! i need to finish reading the dangers of smoking in bed before christmas but i do not have timeeeee ,, i'll figure it out though!! books books books
07/11/24: read a book by a local author (unspecified for privacy) which was pretty good, that was a couple weeks ago now though! atm i'm reading the dangers of smoking in bed by mariana enriquez (translated by megan mcdowell), i've got it for my friend for christmas but i wanted to read it first. its alright?not exactly the spookiness i thought it was going to be, and i'm worried it's not the type my friend enjoys, but it's still good it'll be an interesting read for me i think
18/10/24: finished the hate u give it was very good!! thematically it wasn't an easy read but purely because it was a YA book(?) it was like, physically easier to read than a lot of other books i've read recently?? i thought it was very interesting + emotive still
14/10/24: vaguely started reading the hate u give by Angie Thomas cause we were discussing it in english lesson and they had it in the library!! i've also skim read through a book on (somewhat) local history for geography because i missed one lesson and the resources i could find were shitt they looked like ai written so i went to the library instead. i have now found the better geography resources but have also used them wrong so. oh well! sorry thats not reading really but whatevrr my blog my rambling
12/10/24:finished several people are typing by Calvin Kasulke (which i started a couple weeks ago)!! its very unique in both formatting and plot. there were a couple of things i think could've been done better (one unresolved plot thread and one unhad conversation) but overall it was a super fun and interesting read!! i would recommend it to magnus archives fans i think its vaguely that sorta street.
10/10/24: finished frankenstein!! it was a good silly time, worth the read. the uh, incest is a bit weird, especially cause they go on about it sooooo much?? like 0_o maybe just, don't do that. but beyond that its a fun one it is very homosexual undertones in many places which is always enjoyable to read. i still think that the Monster is not that scary but i think that might be the point? there's definitely parallels between Victor Frankenstein & his Monster which i assume is intentional
06/10/24:read a decent chunk of frankenstein over the weekend cause i've had a LOT of time in the car (like 9 hours cumulatively,,) and its fun its silly!! the setup is a bit strange, like this is the captain writing a manuscript of what frankenstein is telling him, but then theres 6 chapters of what the monster told frankenstein, and within that theres direct quotes from people the monster heard speaking, like . the layers it sure is. but its fun! its easier to read than i was expecting, i'll probably finish it fairly soon because procrastinating:p
03/10/24: finished farhenheit 451! not like my favourite book ever forever but it was an interesting read. i got sleepy at one point so i probably didn't process some of it properly but the overall impression was good
29/09/24 22:32: finished prophet song. fuck man. its. i'm very glad that i didn't try to read the full book at once cause genuinely it would put me in a State for a while. its very good though i can see why it won the 2023 booker prize . uhh more light heartedly though i read the second chapter of the story my tumblr mutual is writing and thats silly its a fun time! anyway i really need to do some work lmao but yeah prophet song good
29/09/24 11:48: read all of chapter 8 of prophet song and jfc man paul lynch does not hold back at this point. i think this chapter is the one that makes the best use of the choice of style and formatting, cause eilish is just, gone she's detached from everything thats happening around her until she's Not and , its just such a harrowing and realistic of conflict and ordinary people in conflict
28/09/24: up to chapter 8 of prophet song, it is really good but it sure is important to be careful with it (which i am being!!!!) its,bleak very effectively so but still. might try read frankenstein in october, not just because its spooky month but also cause my friend got it for me for my birthday and i still haven't even looked at it TwT
26/09/24: read all of chapter 6 of prophet song and it Sure Can feelings,,, i mean i was having a weird day already but goddd just the way the atmosphere is written is done, very well i think. and its ughgjh its so many feelings cause the fact that Eilish refuses to leave sometimes makes me frustrated and other times i completely get where she's coming from, i know that's the whole point but stilll it sure does hit. i think i'm about 2/3rds through now i might try finish it by the end of the month?? i'll see