resources (and links)

home reading home shrines home graphics

absolutely no need to credit me for anything here, please spread these links around to your heart's content should you wish!!

palestine resources

the butterflyeffect project - mutual aid project + verification of fundraiser campaigns

bds boycott list

daily click

palestine solidarity resources

gaza vetters spreadsheet - links to verified fundraiser campaigns

mahmoud ashour's gfm campaign - spotlighted as mahmoud has reached out to me specifically (verified #366 on gazavetters spreadsheet above

coding/website building

these are some things i find useful in my web adventures - w3schools is really helpful for figuring out how to code, especially if you have almost no experience like myself - find hex codes and such easily in order to have fun colours!! - easy copy paste for special characters + accented letters (if you didn't know they have specific code in html! eg if i just copy an e with an accent from the web it looks like this: é )

internet radio!!

(thank you to this tumblr post for reminding me about internet radio!!! yayyy

misc. links

(essentially just things i have bookmarked)

torrenting help

ztype - fun typing game (mobile friendly!!>

wikiart - visual art encyclopedia

lightspeed magazine - digital sci-fi/fantasy magazine

beepbox - make music!!!