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credits for this site!

w3schools for a lot, a lot a lot

es at jack dawlia for inspiration & help w a couple things

https://www.instructables.com/Create-a-Fun-Random-Word-Generator-With-HTML-and-J/ - instructables article (?) for random word generator (used in the choral music page of music shrine) (i have like no idea what instructables is but this was the best guide i could find for js random word get)

crossword: https://www.boatloadpuzzles.com/dailycrossword

music shrine css - eggramen template: https://eggramen.neocities.org/code/css_testpages


site buttons

jack dawliahttps://jack-dawlia.neocities.org/

wyrm tunnelhttps://wyrm.quest/



gremlin :3https://gremlin.neocities.org/


>Abode-Bound > begin?https://abode-bound.neocities.org/

beep birdhttps://www.beepbird.net/"

graphics collectivehttps://graphics-collective.neocities.org/"

reject conveniencehttps://rejectconvenience.com

melon landhttps://melonland.net/

in trousers album coverhttps://foggy-listings.neocities.org/in-trousers/"

neocities cat with text reading made directly in the neocities code editor, like an idiot !https:/eggramen.neocities.org/creations/edits/buttons

fa teen button: teen ratinghttps://www.mabsland.com/Adoption.html

remba button: mature ratinghttps://www.mabsland.com/Adoption.html

other graphics

small lancer from deltarunehttps://deltarune.com/lancer

stamp of blue pikmin which is stretched out with the trans flag in the backgroundhttps://www.tumblr.com/thisdastampdoesnotexist/770900452031266816

stamp of a black and white picture of chip zien smiling with text reading wet marvin boyhttps://www.tumblr.com/thisdastampdoesnotexist/770937287676723200

stamp of a professor layton puzzle with text reading this is where real gamers diehttps://www.tumblr.com/thisdastampdoesnotexist/771209058938159104

stamp of a hedgehog with text overlayed reading being regular and normal and very bravehttps://www.tumblr.com/thisdastampdoesnotexist not a link to the actual post sorry i have tried to find it but the tumblr search function hates everyone forever